Permaculture Design

Permaculture Design

Workshop Name: Permaculture Design

Intro facilitator: Alexander, since he was a little child he have been passionate about nature and this love to nature brought him into the environmental science where he became a permaculture designer, environmental engineer and specialist in environment and sustainability. He love to share and learn knowledges from/with everyone and work together to make this world as natural as it was.

Intro workshop: The workshop is focus on beginners in permaculture, those who want to gain new perspectives and people who just hear about permaculture and they want to know what it’s and for what may be useful.

The outcome of the workshop is to have a general understanding of permaculture, their principles, the design techniques, design process and you will know the base of how to design a sustainable place.

Information we will go through:

  • What is permaculture?
  • Principle of permaculture (ethics and design)
  • Your internal designer
  • Permaculture design considerations
  • Design techniques
  • Making one garden design with real data
  • Making one bigger design with more consideration and real data

