Dragon Dreaming


Workshop Name: Dragon Dreaming

Intro facilitator: Alexander, all his life have been building community through different projects. At school organizing campaigns to help homeless people, founding scout groups, NGOs and projects about environmental education and society. Dragon dreaming came to his life just as it was meant to be and since then he dive deep inside. He love to share and learn knowledges from/with everyone and work together to make this world as natural as it was.

Intro workshop: The dragon dreaming workshop is made for those who want to make their dreams, project to come true and people who want to gain new perspectives in how to develop a project.

The outcome of the workshop is to have a general understanding of dragon dreaming methodology, how to develop a project, the steps you have to follow, Techniques to design and develop a sustainable project.

Information we will go through:

  • What is dragon dreaming?
  • Connection with the environment of your project
  • Dragon dreaming steps
  • Techniques to develop a project
  • Making a design for real project

